Monday, September 6, 2010

From Iraq to the video store

Late one Friday night around midnight, lying on my couch watching TV, my son Anthony informs me he is going to the video store to get a movie. Like any parent, my first statement was, "It's late." My next statement was, "Again, it's late and why can't you wait till tomorrow?" Before he could answer, I started with my parenting spiel that I had developed and perfected over the years. Pointing out how danger lurks in the darkness, in the highways and byways late at night. He let me finish, then he said, "Daddy I just got home from Iraq, surely I can go to the video store and get back safely." (He was in the Army and just finished his second deployment to Iraq.) I was quite..... thinking, " I guess he told me!" I held back the tears until he left. Then I lost it! The dam broke; the flood gate of tears soaked my pillow. Tears of joy, tears of happiness, tears of THANKS, to my God who brought my son back home safely from the battlefields of Iraq. It's one thing to worry about going to the video store but it's a whole different story to endure the worries of the battlefields. I can remember lying awake some nights praying for his safety and sometimes tears of sadness would roll down my face because I missed him so much. There were some nights I would lay awake smiling, just thinking about the good times we shared and the crazy things he sometimes said and did.

As a child he was a lot like me, a little mischievous. Today he is all grown up. He is 27 years old today, Happy Birthday Anthony Gerald Warren, my son. I Love you with all of my heart!!

He is out of military now, Thank you son for your service. Like all of us, he has had some challenges but he is beginning to find his way in life. He is a home owner, a certified barber and a father.

You make your DADDY proud,
Happy birthday son!

Love Dad

Friday, August 6, 2010

“Daddy you were suppose to use a cup of milk.”

Standing in the kitchen a few days into single fatherhood, a little over 14 years ago, These words echoed, "Daddy you were suppose to use a cup of milk." After rereading the directions on the back of the hamburger helper box, she was right. My cooking experience was VERY limited at that time and since she was only 9 years old hers was too. That night, supper turned out pretty good. A few days later, my first experience of cooking spaghetti didn't turn out so good. This time she was doing home work and I am cooking alone. After the hamburger fully cooked, I mixed the cooked hamburger together with the spaghetti; I forgot to drain the grease from the cooked hamburger! You can imagine what a mess that was. At that point, I think it dawned on her that she better learn to cook or we are all going to starve. From that day forward, at 9 years old she became the little lady of the house. She laid down the ground rules for the kitchen. Her attitude was "you may be the daddy, but this is my kitchen."

Celeste Marie Warren…. today is her birthday she is 25 years old today. She has grown up to be very confident and I think she "likes herself." When she was little she would come home from school and announce her own arrivals by saying, "Celeste is home!" (True to her "liking herself" today on her Facebook she wishes herself a happy birthday.) At an early age she also learned how to stand her ground. When conflicts would occur with her two brothers and it appeared that she was losing the battle, she would cry…. and would eventually win the "war" because she knew daddy would come to her rescue. She also became "Ms. Independent" at an early age and to this day she will go and get what she wants despite the odds.

Happy Birthday Celeste! You have brought me so much joy and happiness. I am so proud to be your dad. You make my day, my week, my month, my year, and my life. I pray for the blessing of our Lord over your life that will make rich and add no sorrows. I pray all your dreams come true; a husband that will love you, many babies to follow, health and long life, wealth and prosperity, peace and happiness, joy unspeakable, and full of HIS glory. And finally, yes finally, I pray that I have lived the kind of life before you, and as you put the last flower over my grave, in your grief you can proudly say these words out loud, "Well done Daddy well done. You are a Father Forever and I will see you again on the other side."

I love you so much!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

“Potholes makes for a bumpy ride”

Have you ever been driving and hit a pothole so hard your entire car shook?

Some potholes we see and avoid…..there are others we hit… and hit hard.

Recently, the front end of my car started shaking when I reached the speed of 45mph; so I took it to my mechanic. Immediately he discovered and showed me the problem. My 2 front tires were worn on the inside to the point that the wires were showing. I asked, "What caused the tires to wear so unevenly?" "Your front end is out of alignment, he replied. Then I asked another question, "What caused that?" His response, "Usually potholes, and there are a lot of them this time of the year."

What are potholes? Where do they come from? Potholes are holes formed in the weak spots of the pavement usually during the winter seasons. Moisture from rain, melting snow and ice seeps into cracks in the asphalt and the contractions from freezing and thawing, refreezing and the traffic causes the pavement to break up, forming potholes.

we travel on this highway we call life, many 'potholes' can be formed, especially during our winter seasons, trials, disappointments, setbacks, etc. Some examples of 'life's potholes' are: bitterness, resentment, envy, strife, unforgiveness, jealousy, indifference, even bickering and complaining. Some, we see and avoid, others we hit and hit hard. Such potholes can cause our front end (heart) to get out of line.

The issue is not just the potholes; it's the alignment as well. I couldn't see the damage caused by the potholes to my tires and front end; nevertheless, the damage was done. We can't always see the damage (life's potholes) are causing us; however the damage is still been done.

Daily, we need to allow our faith to fill our potholes with the warmth of love especially in our winter seasons; lest the coldness seeps into the cracks of our hearts. Also a daily alignment with your faith is essential. To my surprise, some cities pledge that once a pothole is reported, they will fill it within 24 hours, Ironic huh?

I spent $300, buying 2 tires and an alignment; however, a simple alignment would have prevented the uneven wear of my tires. So the next time you see a pothole, avoid them if possible. DON'T forget the alignment: Your car once a year, your heart daily, lest you and those you are traveling with have a bumpy ride, in the car, in life. Let's keep the ride smooth.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

There Goes My Baby

7lbs 6 inches long, a bouncing baby boy, born March 7, 1981.

Trembling, as I first held his tiny little body in my arms. My baby, my first born, my heart was pounding and my mind was racing. A sea of emotions flooded my being.
I experienced fear, yet excitement, joy, yet uncertainty, pride, yet an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy. What was I going to do with this tiny little fellow? My baby, my first born.

There goes my baby… 29 years old today, March 7, 2010. Of course, he is not a baby anymore and neither is he little. In fact he is big; big bones, big muscles and a little bit of FAT. He has grown up to be an honorable, respectable young man and a father. In February, 2010 he received his Barber’s License. I’ve watched him grow, experiencing some success and even failures; I must say, I am proud to be his dad.

In our journey as parents, we all have thought or said to ourselves, or even out loud, “There goes my baby.” As we watch them enter into kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school, maybe college, or their first apartment or when they are walking down the church aisle with their eyes dancing looking at their mate, we’re thinking, “There goes my baby.”

So how do we let them go? How do we say, with confidence “There goes my baby,” wanting everything to be ok. We allow them to live their lives, as we guide them from the side line. When they fall, we “throw out a life line” and allow them to pull themselves back into the boat. We pray for their protection, as we warn them of the pit falls and how to avoid them. We can provide some insight from our own hindsight. We encourage them to step out into new things without demanding that they do it our way. And then finally, we spoil the grandkids. And the cycle continues, “There goes my baby.”

I hope I have given you as much Joy as a father in these last 29 years, as you have given me as a son.
Happy Birthday Glenwood Lee Warren II, I love you with all of my heart!!

“There Goes My Baby.”

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life is Full of Detours

A few months ago, traveling with some friends, I saw a detour sign. Like you, I have seen many detours signs, but this sign appeared to speak to me. A question came to mind, “What is a detour?” Well, Mr. Webster (dictionary) defines detour as, “a roundabout way or route.” It is temporary, and is normally going in the same direction as the main route. The purpose of the detour is to allow time for the construction of the main road. Once the work is completed the detour signs come down and the main road is re-opened. The detour may vary from weeks to months to years, depending on the level of construction needed.

On this particular day, the detour was very confusing. It had lots of turns and I was unfamiliar with the area. To guide us along the way, The Department of Transportation had posted detour signs that eventually led back to the main road. We had to pay close attention and follow the signs that led us in a roundabout way and at times seemed to be going in the opposite direction.

Have you ever started on a journey in your life, a family, a dream, a career, or a business? You are trying to go forward, but it seems like you are going in a roundabout way or sometimes in the opposite direction. You are confused, frustrated, and sometimes lost. A part of you think about quitting and going back, but you can’t find your way back even if you tried, keep moving forward.

Life is full of detours. I am reminded of a story, about a man named Joseph, who had a dream. The road to fulfilling his dream was full of detours: the betrayer, the pit, slavery, and finally a jail cell. He seemed to be going in the opposite direction of his dream, but he was moving forward. Joseph himself was the main route that was under construction. The betrayer, the pit, slavery, and the jail cell was the roundabout way that prepared him for his purpose. We all know the end of the story, when the work was finished in Joseph, the detour signs came down, the main road (Joseph) was re-opened, and he stepped into the palace and opened the way for his family and others.

Could you be the main road that is under construction? Even when you seem to be going in the opposite direction, you ar
e moving forward, just follow the signs. Remember your detours are temporary and more importantly they are preparing you for your purpose. When the work in you is finished, the detour signs will come down and you will be able to lead and guide your family and others into their palace.


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Thursday, January 7, 2010

The VALUE is the same

We say this every New Year, “Out with the old, in with the new.” Does that mean the old doesn’t have value anymore?

Recently, as I was walking from the parking lot to a store, I found a nickel laying on the payment. As I picked it up, I noticed that it looked old and discolored. A thought occurred to me…… “The value is the same.” I proceeded to enter the store and shop. I selected the items I needed and went to the checkout line. I gave the old looking discolored nickel along with the other coins and bills to the cashier. The cashier didn’t even take a second look at the old nickel as he put it in the draw with the others. The thought came to me again, “The value is the same.” I began to ponder that thought…... the nickel that was discolored; dirty and lost had the same value as the other nickels. Yes, it looked old and dirty and it had been left out in the elements- the rain, the heat, the cold, and the traffic for who knows how long……… yet it didn’t lose its value.

Have you ever felt like you have been left out in the elements of life? Just to name a few- divorce, sickness, financial struggle, disappointment and unfulfilled dreams. I want to encourage you, “All is not lost.” Your value is the same.” You have not lost your worth, your significance or your uniqueness. One may ask, “How did you come to that conclusion?” It’s simple. The value is not determined by the elements, but by the creator. The Federal Reserve determines the value of the nickels, not the rain, heat, cold, or traffic. The Federal Reserve then gave it a purpose and made it durable to handle the elements. Your creator determined your value. He gave you a purpose and you were wonderfully made to handle all life’s elements. However, just like the nickel you may have some scars, but if a coin can sustain its value after being lost and beaten up, so can you.

At the end of that day, the nickel, perhaps still dirty and discolored was back in circulation. Doing what it was created to do. You are worth much more than five cents and your creator is much more magnificent than The Federal Reserve. For He has placed his value in you, and that value is priceless! So even in your pain and your disappointment, you can get back in the “circle of life” and start living again. Out with the old, In with the new…could have new meaning this year. Your value is the same.

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