Thursday, January 7, 2010

The VALUE is the same

We say this every New Year, “Out with the old, in with the new.” Does that mean the old doesn’t have value anymore?

Recently, as I was walking from the parking lot to a store, I found a nickel laying on the payment. As I picked it up, I noticed that it looked old and discolored. A thought occurred to me…… “The value is the same.” I proceeded to enter the store and shop. I selected the items I needed and went to the checkout line. I gave the old looking discolored nickel along with the other coins and bills to the cashier. The cashier didn’t even take a second look at the old nickel as he put it in the draw with the others. The thought came to me again, “The value is the same.” I began to ponder that thought…... the nickel that was discolored; dirty and lost had the same value as the other nickels. Yes, it looked old and dirty and it had been left out in the elements- the rain, the heat, the cold, and the traffic for who knows how long……… yet it didn’t lose its value.

Have you ever felt like you have been left out in the elements of life? Just to name a few- divorce, sickness, financial struggle, disappointment and unfulfilled dreams. I want to encourage you, “All is not lost.” Your value is the same.” You have not lost your worth, your significance or your uniqueness. One may ask, “How did you come to that conclusion?” It’s simple. The value is not determined by the elements, but by the creator. The Federal Reserve determines the value of the nickels, not the rain, heat, cold, or traffic. The Federal Reserve then gave it a purpose and made it durable to handle the elements. Your creator determined your value. He gave you a purpose and you were wonderfully made to handle all life’s elements. However, just like the nickel you may have some scars, but if a coin can sustain its value after being lost and beaten up, so can you.

At the end of that day, the nickel, perhaps still dirty and discolored was back in circulation. Doing what it was created to do. You are worth much more than five cents and your creator is much more magnificent than The Federal Reserve. For He has placed his value in you, and that value is priceless! So even in your pain and your disappointment, you can get back in the “circle of life” and start living again. Out with the old, In with the new…could have new meaning this year. Your value is the same.

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  1. WOW this was VERY powerful yet a practical message.... I was able to understand and relate to everything you said. And what you said was soooo true…… I mean we always hear or say out with the old….. but that’s not always the case. New doesn’t always mean better……… thank you for this. I look forward to reading your weakly short stories or inspirational thoughts

  2. that was really good

  3. Hi i like that...john

  4. yes this is great
